Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Cheesy Cheese

I would like to write about my friends. All of us met in middle school. A little bit about my middle school, SMP Asisi is a tiny place, I mean we didn't have bunch of student. So, practically we know each other, every single person, well. Still, I have some of them whom I consider really close. We enrolled middle school at 2004, I have known them since. Even after graduated middle school and all of us entered different high schools, it never really stopped us.

Adel and Marina, are my girlfriends. Truthfully I know Adel first then Marina, since we were in the same class at 7th grade, Adel was my chair mate for God sake. Back then, she owned a nokia phone that I like. She was great at accountancy if I'm not mistaken. And Marina, everybody's in that school knows her. She was popular, basically everyone wants to be her friend. Including me. She was a very active person, she wasn't so hard to be approached. I think she was always great at Bahasa class. 

Aldi and Hagi, are my boyfriends. I know both of them since 7th grade. Aldi was (and still is) famous for singing My Chemical Romance's song "Helena" with broomstick. Actually, Aldi did that in order to do the punishment from the religion class and he did the scream things too. How funny and loud!. Hagi was a good boy scout in our school. You will notice on how much badges he got from scouting thing, he's a straight A student, teacher's favorite and also vice of student body. 

I remember that we got close because of an annual drama-comedy play that we did at Christmas celebration at 8th grade. The drama itself was hilarious. And we got even closer at 9th grade. Maybe because we realized that we were seniors and we will graduate soon and be parted. We once had a large group contains eleven or maybe twelve person, I think. We called our self "Mamak Family". We did dumb things at prom party, we were (girls) almost slept over in a boys room which totally prohibited, we did have a ritual photo and so on. After we graduated, the "Mamak" moved on. We did our life separately. But, 5 of us remain contacted each other. I don't  remember how and why but. we met every saturday even after graduated. Mostly just the girls and mostly at Marina's home, but we were never forget to told the boys whether they can or not. We don't grow apart even if we don't talk everyday.

It is now 10 years and still counting. I value our friendship. With them I even feel complete. I don't know, but there's nothing in them that I don't like. With others, I gotta be honest, I can even spell out what I like and dislike. With them, I just love everything about them. I even love when they have to scold me when I did something stupid, and cried with me when I was hit the bottom. It's odd but I will do everything in order to spend time with them, even if I ran out of money. I just can not describe how I feel grateful around them. To me, they are perfect. 

Now, all that chessy quotes about true friends become not so chessy at all, when you finally found some. Can't wait to grow old with you guys. 

(I really wanted to show our photos, but turns out we never have a group photo together, must be really fun just to met them, until we were always forget to take a picture. Next time, it's a must!)

Friday, November 7, 2014

Washington, Coal Valley, Denver

It's consuming me and my time! In a good way, of course.

Jadi selama 3 minggu terakhir gue banyak menghabiskan waktu dengan menonton TV shows baru. Cerita awalnya, gue kangen ngeliat Daniel Lissing di layar kaca. Gue buka IMDb nya, ternyata dia lagi sibuk sama TV show barunya yang berjudul When Calls The Heart, tayangnya di Halmark Channel. Dari judulnya dan dimana tayanganya, gue udah bisa judge kalo ini super rom-com. Turns out, Hallmark cuma punya 3 TV shows yang lagi running. Gue selalu suka sama Hallmark. Terutama sama TV movienya. Hallmark lah yang membuat gue tergila gila sama ER dan The Nanny sampe hari ini. Pokoknya apa yang disajikan Hallmark biasanya ga jauh jauh dari romantic and family drama. 

First, the top one on the picture. Cedar Cove. Okay, okay, another 'late love' story, which I totally fall for. Gue suka karena drama nya segampang itu, light conflict juga. When I found out about this drama, I thought "This is so Ibu Ibu yha". Tapi ternyata engga juga kok. Si pemeran utamanya (Andie McDowell) selalu menemukan jalan keluar gitu di setiap masalahnya. Jadi abis nonton ini tuh rasanya ga pake beban. Lalu, yang membuat gue suka adalah latar tempatnya. Cedar Cove adalah kota fiksional yang berada di Washington State, yang kalo katanya sih cuma 30 menit dari Seattle. Jadi ya pemandangannya bagus banget, kota pelabuhan, suburban, sejuk. Ya bayangan gue tentang tipikal Washington State banget lah. So, ngerti kan kenapa gue harus nonton series ini?

Second, When Calls The Heart. Series yang membawa gue ke jebakan batman Hallmark Channel. Kalo bukan karena gue google-ing Daniel Lissing, ya gue ga bakal tau kalo semua ini exist. Series ini berlatarkan tahun 1900 an. Biasanya sih gue selalu menghindari series berlatarkan masa lalu, such as Downton Abbey. Bukannya gue ga suka, aksen nya itu loh membingungkan, kalo ga nonton pake subtitle Inggris agak bingung aja. Terus biasanya kisah kisah tahun segitu ceritanya berat dan berputar. Tapi yang ini beda. Lagi, ceritanya ringan. Latar tempatnya berada di Coal Valley, Canada. A mining industry town. Nah Daniel Lissing berperan menjadi Constable Jack Thornton (again, man in uniform) yang selalu menunggang kuda kemana mana. Developing relationship between Jack and Elizabeth nya, yang bikin gue jatuh cinta. Terus, side stories nya juga ga kalah bagus. 

Third. Signed, Sealed and Delivered. Ketahuan dong ya, ini cerita tentang surat menyurat. Gue selalu merasa show yang ini lebih cocok jadi TV movie dibanding dapet slot series. Awalnya gue kurang antusias sama show ini, makanya gue selalu menonton ini di paling akhir. Tapi, gue merasa bahwa show ini menjadi penutup yang pas untuk mengakhiri hari. Malahan show ini yang bikin gue paling mikir. Ceritanya tentang orang - orang yang bekerja di USPS Denver di divisi Dead Letter Office, dimana mereka menangani surat - surat yang ga punya alamat. Mereka akan buka surat itu, mencari klue alamat di dalamnya, dan kalo udah ketemu, surat itu dikirim deh. Tapi ya ga semudah itu. Show ini lebih cocok dikategorikan procedural dibanding romance. Karena ini sebenernya mirip sama CSI, Castle, atau Without A Trace plus Cold Case versi surat menyurat. Goal nya kan tetep sama, yaitu menyelesaikan misteri. Show yang awalnya gue under estimate malah bikin tearjerker tiap harinya.

Well, channel ini kelihatannya super chessy dan 'ibu ibu' banget ya. Tapi sebenernya engga kok. Hallmark udah jadi temen gue setelah tegang dan ketawa tawa oleh comedy dan real drama dari network TV yang bisa gue konsumsi (NBC CBS ABC FOX). Cerita cerita yang disajikan Hallmark selalu simple dan mudah banget dimengerti. Cocok banget untuk orang yang gamau ribet, karena nonton nya ga pake beban. Beda aja ketika lo nonton Homeland terus nonton Cedar Cove (not that I hate Homeland. Oh, I love it! Not to mention, Carrie Mathison ehem). Tapi disini, rata rata antagonisnya ga begitu berperan. Lalu, setting tempatnya yang berbeda dari show kebanyakan. Lumayan begah yah ketika semua show latarnya NYC sama LA. Jarang banget ada show runner yang memutuskan shownya berlatar d Colorado. 

Walaupun ringan, tapi juga ga berarti ga bermoral. Malahan tanpa gue sadari, banyak juga pelajaran yang bisa dipetik. 
Best of luck for Hallmark Channel!

Thursday, November 6, 2014


So, it is good to be back home. I mean, okay maybe I left blogger/blogspot for God knows why and how long, but I am back. For good.

I gotta be honest, I got kicked out from my other blogging platform (soon to be expired) Turns out they've been struggling for a year maybe. It's time for Jux to be closed. And yes I am sad, kinda. So, in a desperate moment, I knew that I should just move back in. I mean, no hell no, blogger is not the "runaway", no I will never say that. But, I just know that Blogger will accept me gladly.

Oh, I feel safe and sound already. Thanks for having me back.
Fresh start. See you around!

( P.S I just realize that I might sound weird on this very first post)